Saturday, November 27, 2010

New Looks

There is so much more to life than just being cute, or so I have discovered. The state of being of cuteness can be enhanced by also looking cute. For example, I have been trying out some new rags, putting on a ritz and dressing to the nines in what could be described as an attempt to increase my social standing through appearances alone. Has it worked? Am I even more adorable? There is only so much self-aggrandisement I can consciously commit to. So. You decide...

The shades are on, the head is (mostly) bald... no tatts yet, but I could be Chopper...I have the slightly raised chin, the tie and the appropriate coloured shirt... private school boy?
No, that was just a ruse... my clever use of the telephone tells you I am, in fact doing an office worker impression...

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Freak out!

My day started all normal and nice... and then.... FREAK OUT!!I guess I should elaborate. Mum put me to bed at the usual time (1pm). I did the unexciting thing by going to sleep. However, when I woke (!) there was someone there I didn't expect and a couple that weren't. AS you could imagine, it was a shock to me. I handled things in the only way one of my stature could... FREAK OUT!
It didn't last too long, a white rabbit helped me to understand the way of the world and Uncle Scott was there to feed me. I think it turned out alright.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


The clock is ticking...
Soon there won't be room large enough to contain me! I'll tell you why... my plans are coming to fruition. Now that I have mastered the art of rolling from front to back, it is only a matter of time before I will roam freely across glen and dale...

Check it...

Saturday, November 13, 2010

5 months... well almost

The summer is here... in the space of a few days I have gone from warm fuzzy to nearly naked during sleep times. The problem is that the change from warm to hot to cool again makes for confused parents about just how many layers to put on me.
As always, there have been many activities occurring. I have found anew game to play with Mum. She makes sure I don't fall, and I stand up by myself for as long as possible.Dad does this differently, but I like standing so much that doing it another way is just as fun.I have started to investigate things in a much more hands-on fashion. Anything in reach is liable to be picked up and eaten. This thing just didn't come off! So no taste-test for me...Marg and I watching telly. I suspect we will both do a lot of this in the future...

Friday, November 5, 2010


Hello Everyone!
Sorry about the hugely long delay in updates. There has been some things going on that needed urgent attention... be warned this will be a huge post... so get some coffee (or tea (or milk)) depending on what you prefer, let the net run until the page loads, then read and look and most of all, enjoy!

The adventure all started when the rains came. It had been pretty dry and with the onset of the spring rains, all kinds of creatures appeared that would normally stay hidden. I can tell you that I was surprised, but something needed to be done. It was us or it. So with a daring-do that only a Viking can muster - I battled the Kraken...As you all probably know, battling Kraken is quite tiring work. But that wasn't the next thing on my mind. I needed something to distract me from the horrors. So I hit the drink. Quite hard too. You must be thinking that I am too young for the bottle. But I don't care I tell you. Just give me that one last drop...There are some of you out there that know of the dangers of hitting the bottle without a decent meal first. I was not the first to discover the effects. Regardless, I can tell you it was something else...But the excitement didn't stop there. I had some visitors too... A group of lovely ladies all vying for my attention. Being both magnanimous and diplomatic, I tried to distribute my countenance evenly. The time we spent by the river will be cherished for some time. My special and personal messages go to:
Cousin R: your fingers will always know what my lips will never tell.Cousin K: it may have amused you, but I was concerned that we would be discovered.
and Aunty A: both comfort and warmth, arms good enough to sleep in.After the trip to town, the hordes of people lining the streets to meet me (or maybe it was something to do with a horse race), and the rendezvous by the river, I needed some sustenance. So it was back home to get some food. This is my favourite flavour!
Knowing that my cot was safe, guarded by the fearsome tiger and a soft toy:I took a well deserved rest...