Wednesday, November 16, 2011
More activity
It's taken a while to reach this kind of relationship, but slowly there are more and more cat privileges. This is probably as gentle as I can get patting the cat...and possibly the longest she has endured my affections..
however, I don't think she appreciated being spun around on the chair... I now have scratches to prove it.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Still alive!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Day at the Beach
At first I wasn't really sure about the big wet stuff.
In fact my very first touch of icy cold salt water on my feet was a bit scary. I needed a cuddle after that. But then my curiosity started to win and I had to go back. So far out, in fact, that I fell in and had to have a change of clothes... twice!
Not quite sure why Mum and Dad didn't bring more than 2 changes of clothes. But as you can all see I had a pretty good time in the water and on the sand.
It was an exciting time. So much that I had to sleep in the car on the way home (or maybe that was because I didn't take my morning nap).
In fact my very first touch of icy cold salt water on my feet was a bit scary. I needed a cuddle after that. But then my curiosity started to win and I had to go back. So far out, in fact, that I fell in and had to have a change of clothes... twice!
Not quite sure why Mum and Dad didn't bring more than 2 changes of clothes. But as you can all see I had a pretty good time in the water and on the sand.
It was an exciting time. So much that I had to sleep in the car on the way home (or maybe that was because I didn't take my morning nap).
Monday, August 29, 2011
Time Flies
Been so busy recently. But at least I could get a photographer to record the moments this time around. Gonna be brief in terms of text, but there are a few nice shots of me doing regular stuff.
Telling everyone where we need to go at the Botanical gardens.
Playing with the birdbath
At my friend Lycan's house during party time.
Helping in the garden
Texting my agent about the next fashion show
Just hanging out with Mum, pulling a few poses.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Well at least I got counted.
Things have been pretty busy for a few weeks, not a lot of photos to share, but I do have a training video for my marathon career...
And there is the time we tried to escape...
Things have been pretty busy for a few weeks, not a lot of photos to share, but I do have a training video for my marathon career...
And there is the time we tried to escape...
Friday, July 22, 2011
Tax Time
But Dad seems to enjoy it. So I go hang out in the gardens with Mum and let the bearded one deal with it all.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
One Year
Saturday, July 2, 2011
A little older, a little wider
Are you ready for it?
Are you really ready?
Ok. Here it comes.
Had my 12 month check-up at the MCHN. Things are going pretty well. Continuing to grow. At this rate I will be taller than Dad by a couple centimeter. But for now, I am 11.2kg light and 79cm short. I am growing up fast! So here is a pic of me looking like MacGuyver...
Since that fateful day over a year ago, there have been quite a few changes. Not only for me. Pip has had to deal with a whole lot less snooze time and a whole lot more noise.
For example: "That thing" (the closest human equivalent for Pips expression upon seeing me a little too close)
Another: "But why are there no bowls of noms for me in the lounge room?"

And the constant plea: "Has he gone to bed yet?"
Of course, my changes are far more interesting. One skill that I lack, which would be most excellent, is being able to stand up without holding onto something. If I could, there would be no environment unnavigable, i.e. I could walk everywhere! But when the worst comes to the worst, I can always start climbing.
Starting to make progress in other areas too. I have such advanced motor skillz that I can spoon feed myself, my chair, and the floor at the same time!!
I seem to have spent an awful lot of time driving Dad around for his appointments and what-not. So much so I have had to resort to having car books and a car blanket.
The biggest event most recently was my birthday. I got to see most of the people I know, I got more presents that my entire body weight. So here are a few shots of me wearing, using, eating or just playing with some of the new things! Thanks to everyone that shared some time with me :)
My new Train - TooT TooT!
New Hat and Jumper - good timing too, the weather is not like a Melbourne summer at all.
Despite both Mum and Dad being busy almost constantly, we did get the chance to find a pile of dirt to play in on our most recent visit to the botanical gardens. Maybe next time I will get to try tasting some before they find me.
Thanks for visiting!
Sorry about the long delay in updates.
Are you really ready?
Ok. Here it comes.
Since that fateful day over a year ago, there have been quite a few changes. Not only for me. Pip has had to deal with a whole lot less snooze time and a whole lot more noise.
Another: "But why are there no bowls of noms for me in the lounge room?"
And the constant plea: "Has he gone to bed yet?"
Starting to make progress in other areas too. I have such advanced motor skillz that I can spoon feed myself, my chair, and the floor at the same time!!
The biggest event most recently was my birthday. I got to see most of the people I know, I got more presents that my entire body weight. So here are a few shots of me wearing, using, eating or just playing with some of the new things! Thanks to everyone that shared some time with me :)
My new Train - TooT TooT!
Despite both Mum and Dad being busy almost constantly, we did get the chance to find a pile of dirt to play in on our most recent visit to the botanical gardens. Maybe next time I will get to try tasting some before they find me.
Thanks for visiting!
Sorry about the long delay in updates.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
So when does a baby stop being a baby?
Now that I am officially non-zero, and that there is no rounding involved to get to an integer in age I am going for my train driving license. See vid for my training session...
The birthday was pretty cool... i was swallowed by a balloon monster in the shape of a cot. It was a good thing Barnacles was there to protect me.
P.S. Sorry about the video intensive update. Kept file sizes at around 3MB, so they shouldn't take too long to load.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Epic Birthday Week
We had an interesting time with food also. From a nice varied diet with tastes from all over the palate, I decided that it was in my best interests to only eat food if I was also having weet-bix. One spoon of tasty, delicious, adorable weet-bix and one of that other flavour.
Had some party time with a friend of mine. He turned 1! So now, it's my turn. Got a busy week all planned out. Meeting with most of the people I know sometime this week. It's a good thing I don't always need my afternoon nap!
Anyway, I better get back to the cleaning. Something about no birthday if I don't clean my room.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
All at once
Thursday, May 26, 2011
On your marks. Get Set. GO!
And now the conclusive video evidence...
Although, someone may claim, albeit unkindly, that this is much like the sasquatch videos and shows nothing more than a man in a baby suit. If you be a doubter, then come here and smell my baby breath, look me in the eye and say "you are nothing but a man in a baby suit!"
Although, someone may claim, albeit unkindly, that this is much like the sasquatch videos and shows nothing more than a man in a baby suit. If you be a doubter, then come here and smell my baby breath, look me in the eye and say "you are nothing but a man in a baby suit!"
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Show off!
At the Club today, after the usual tet-a-tet with the other members I decided to give an oration on the wonders of baby society. I got quite carried away by the occasion and took several, distinct, separate steps toward baby emancipation. This did cause some consternation with the hired help. So after lunch, when all the fuss had died down a little. I did it again. This time the reception was much more appreciative.
For those of you that are not familiar with the events that transpired - I took 4 steps, twice today.
For those of you that are not familiar with the events that transpired - I took 4 steps, twice today.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Big day in mid May
Since the last update there have been a few new things happening. I now have two more teeth (top middle). These ones were much easier to push out than the last couple.
Had my very first bubble bath. I am not convinced this is a great idea, but I did have at least one smile.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Awesome Autumn
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Bye bye April, Hello May!
I could be talking about girlfriends, but alas, it's only the months that seem to come and go. Although, I did have an excellent time playing with Iris and Max at my house for the playgroup this week. Been doing a few things this week:
Watching parrots as they make a feeding mess...
Going to the botanical gardens and being awed by everything...
and contemplating the nature of the universe as evident in silicone bake ware...
Sometimes it helps to contemplate it in a different way...
Still haven't convinced the parents that wearing pyjamas all day is a bad thing. You know, sometimes I want to look fancy. Maybe this is just a way for them to live vicariously, who knows?
Watching parrots as they make a feeding mess...
Going to the botanical gardens and being awed by everything...
and contemplating the nature of the universe as evident in silicone bake ware...
Sometimes it helps to contemplate it in a different way...
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Walking... sort of, kind of...
I know it is cheating to be holding on, but it is much easier this way.
Getting faster too... I can do laps around the unit.
Getting faster too... I can do laps around the unit.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Checked up
I am now sitting at a comfortable 10.38 kg (22lb 14 oz). I now have an admirable length of 77cm (30.3 in). It should be noted here that for both of these measurements I am in the 90th percentile for my age... that means that roughly 10% of babies are either taller or heavier than me. However... my head is 0nly 44.5 cm in circumference, which is in the 10th percentile - so 90% of babies my age have heads larger than mine. At this rate I will grow up to be a pinhead.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Happy 10 months
Update is 83% complete... soon we will leave the beta phase and go into a full version...
Here is me wearing the latest in baby style :
- sport socks - covered in moss and grass from outside adventures
- shorts - first time wearing these things, due for covering in food/drool/muck
- bib - much needed
- cheeky expression
- Artful pose - a must for the 21st century
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