Thursday, April 21, 2011

Checked up

It took long enough, but finally had my 8month check-up with the MCH nurse. Things are going pretty well. The nurse was happy with my progress.
I am now sitting at a comfortable 10.38 kg (22lb 14 oz). I now have an admirable length of 77cm (30.3 in). It should be noted here that for both of these measurements I am in the 90th percentile for my age... that means that roughly 10% of babies are either taller or heavier than me. However... my head is 0nly 44.5 cm in circumference, which is in the 10th percentile - so 90% of babies my age have heads larger than mine. At this rate I will grow up to be a pinhead.

1 comment:

  1. Wow your growing fast sweety, hope you enjoy your easter pressie. Love Aunty Honey xx
