Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Day at the Beach

 At first I wasn't really sure about the big wet stuff.  
In fact my very first touch of icy cold salt water on my feet was a bit scary.  I needed a cuddle after that.  But then my curiosity started to win and I had to go back.  So far out, in fact, that I fell in and had to have a change of clothes... twice! 
 Not quite sure why Mum and Dad didn't bring more than 2 changes of clothes.  But as you can all see I had a pretty good time in the water and on the sand. 
 It was an exciting time.  So much that I had to sleep in the car on the way home (or maybe that was because I didn't take my morning nap).


  1. oooh that looks like wet and sandy fun! Bet you had sand in your nappy too afterwards! :)

  2. I hope the fishes didnt nibble your toes

  3. Dear Erik, some more piccys would be nice. Love Grandma
