Sunday, September 5, 2010

Nearly 3 months

Well it would be exciting if i knew what a month is. Heck I don't even know what 3 is yet. But despite everything else, I remembered to give dad a present this morning: a big smile followed by a big chunky spew. There have been a few activities recently. Mostly just me doing my thing. Check it!

A lunch date in the park. We met up with Zia and her mum for a chat and a play. It was pretty exciting for me. I got so tired after I nearly slept through my 3pm feed time. Good thing mum was there to wake me up for it.

Here is my impression of a squirrel. The bright eyes keeping a look out for any potential threats. The hands holding the tasty tasty nut ready to be nibbled.

I will control you with the power of my mind....

Hello Ladies ;)

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