Well I have made it now... had my 3 month check up with the MCH nurse. This time Dad took me and Mum had a kip at home. The main problem was that the appointment was during my feed time. So by the end of the check-up I was getting grumpy.
Pleased to report that all is going according to plan. The new stats are:
- Weight 5268 g - an increase of 916g, 32g/day since the last check (and these numbers in the other measurement - 11.5 lbs, 2 lbs, 1oz)
- Length (soon to be called height as I can stand up now) 59 cm - up a massive 3.5cm (23 in, 1.4 in)
- Head Circumference 38.5cm - only 1cm bigger, so you can tell everyone that I don't have a big head, yet...
Happy birthday Erik