I have discovered a great new game! I have pulled it out to show Mum and Dad at different times of the day. It involves lifting both legs and arms off the ground and towards each other. Then with a little wiggle I can roll onto my side. Not only is this fun! I can also roll back again. One time I rolled from my back onto my belly. I would have been proud of this achievement if I hadn't been grumpy at the time and I hadn't become stuck. I think it worried Dad when I did it at midnight - if it had been the other way I would have rolled off the bed!! They seem much more relaxed about me practicing this while I am on the ground. Can't think why ;)
Thursday, September 30, 2010
I have discovered a great new game! I have pulled it out to show Mum and Dad at different times of the day. It involves lifting both legs and arms off the ground and towards each other. Then with a little wiggle I can roll onto my side. Not only is this fun! I can also roll back again. One time I rolled from my back onto my belly. I would have been proud of this achievement if I hadn't been grumpy at the time and I hadn't become stuck. I think it worried Dad when I did it at midnight - if it had been the other way I would have rolled off the bed!! They seem much more relaxed about me practicing this while I am on the ground. Can't think why ;)
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Hello again. Had a really busy day yesterday. Went to a Cafe to meet up with Aunty Jac and Rachael. Had a great time. Although I did let everyone know when it was time to leave. I had pressing business to attend to in another location.
Here's one shot of me just before bedtime... although I may look awake and perky, I am in fact about to fall asleep. This was just one last burst of activity - watching tv, bouncing on laps, and standing up, just before I crashed for the night.
A certain someone seems to think that I have a crazy look that reminds them of someone. Lies I say! LIES!
A certain someone seems to think that I have a crazy look that reminds them of someone. Lies I say! LIES!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Growing and Learning
Hello World... Just the usual things been happening recently. Mum got me a new toy to play with and I love it! We all seem to have a good routine going. I can sleep pretty much all night.
So that means the pares can function like humans during the day. I really like going for walks. Being at home in the flat all day can get a little boring :)
Friday, September 17, 2010
Na naa naa na Na naa naa na... BATMAN
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
More New Skillz
Hello World. After a long sleep there is nothing like having a stretch and yawn. As a matter of fact I enjoy it so much, some mornings I can do this for nearly 20mins before properly waking up. Although if I am hungry, then the whole waking up thing takes second place to getting attention and being fed.

A new skill that seems to be developing is my new found interest in 'things'. As can be seen here I 'found' this yellow bird-like toy. Although it's not particularly clear in this one photo, but I played with it, tried to eat it and generally flapped around with this in my hand until I let go.

Mum and I about to head out for a walk. The new carrying tek-u-ni-ku is nice. I can see the world go by, it's slightly easier to get into and out of, but there is one drawback... i drool like a big dog. The handkerchief adjustment that is happening in this photo is to collect my offerings.
Nothing special here - just another play session on the floor. This time with Dad.
A new skill that seems to be developing is my new found interest in 'things'. As can be seen here I 'found' this yellow bird-like toy. Although it's not particularly clear in this one photo, but I played with it, tried to eat it and generally flapped around with this in my hand until I let go.
Mum and I about to head out for a walk. The new carrying tek-u-ni-ku is nice. I can see the world go by, it's slightly easier to get into and out of, but there is one drawback... i drool like a big dog. The handkerchief adjustment that is happening in this photo is to collect my offerings.
Nothing special here - just another play session on the floor. This time with Dad.
Friday, September 10, 2010
3 months
Well I have made it now... had my 3 month check up with the MCH nurse. This time Dad took me and Mum had a kip at home. The main problem was that the appointment was during my feed time. So by the end of the check-up I was getting grumpy.
Pleased to report that all is going according to plan. The new stats are:
- Weight 5268 g - an increase of 916g, 32g/day since the last check (and these numbers in the other measurement - 11.5 lbs, 2 lbs, 1oz)
- Length (soon to be called height as I can stand up now) 59 cm - up a massive 3.5cm (23 in, 1.4 in)
- Head Circumference 38.5cm - only 1cm bigger, so you can tell everyone that I don't have a big head, yet...
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Photo Update VI
Just one of those moments... I gave Dad at least 20 smiles during the photo session, but this is the best he could get.
A new style of walking. This was way too exciting for me! I could see everything, no time to snooze
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Nearly 3 months
Well it would be exciting if i knew what a month is. Heck I don't even know what 3 is yet. But despite everything else, I remembered to give dad a present this morning: a big smile followed by a big chunky spew. There have been a few activities recently. Mostly just me doing my thing. Check it!

A lunch date in the park. We met up with Zia and her mum for a chat and a play. It was pretty exciting for me. I got so tired after I nearly slept through my 3pm feed time. Good thing mum was there to wake me up for it.

Here is my impression of a squirrel. The bright eyes keeping a look out for any potential threats. The hands holding the tasty tasty nut ready to be nibbled.

I will control you with the power of my mind....

Hello Ladies ;)
A lunch date in the park. We met up with Zia and her mum for a chat and a play. It was pretty exciting for me. I got so tired after I nearly slept through my 3pm feed time. Good thing mum was there to wake me up for it.
Here is my impression of a squirrel. The bright eyes keeping a look out for any potential threats. The hands holding the tasty tasty nut ready to be nibbled.
I will control you with the power of my mind....
Hello Ladies ;)
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