I have been making mum and dad very busy recently. They have been trying to get me into a routine that gives them some time to do things other than pander to my every want and need. However, as all plans go, I have been an excellent spanner in the proverbial works. Regardless, they still seem to find time to point the camera at me during various flattering and not so flattering circumstances. Like this one...

A mere fluke of chance, just as the shutter opens to capture a moment, my gullet opens to eject a morsel. Dad was clever enough to avoid this one, but I'll get him next time.
A small concern

of mum's is my hair. I am not sure why, but maybe this shot shows a little of the reason. I have a hair halo, except in reverse. Rather than the typical adult male balding on top, I have a bald in the middle. Lush on top and around my occiput.

The latest addition to my collection of things is a bouncer. This provides a slightly more comfortable place to snooze (replacing a couch cushion with blanket). It also helps with the gas. I don't get quite so grumpy after a feed if I am sitting up rather than lying down. I was so happy to get a new thing that I didn't want to sit still for long enough for a non-blurred photo to be taken. Ha! Take that digital camera.

Here is mum giving me a cool new massage. I like it because it makes me feel better. They like it for a completely different reason: it makes me burp, fart and vomit. Your guess is as good as mine as to why that is a good thing. Already my parents are strange...