Things have been going pretty smoothly. Plenty of dates during the past couple weeks. School took a holiday, so I've not had my usual Wednesday scamp around, but the extra trips to the library have made up for that.The box wall is now kaput. I have conquered it completely. Now if I could only just reach that computer, I am sure there is some baby business that needs attending to.

We had an interesting time with food also. From a nice varied diet with tastes from all over the palate, I decided that it was in my best interests to only eat food if I was also having weet-bix. One spoon of tasty, delicious, adorable weet-bix and one of that other flavour.
Had some party time with a friend of mine. He turned 1! So now, it's my turn. Got a busy week all planned out. Meeting with most of the people I know sometime this week. It's a good thing I don't always need my afternoon nap!
Anyway, I better get back to the cleaning. Something about no birthday if I don't clean my room.