Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas 2010

Big thanks to everyone that sent their wishes, regards, presents and everything else.
Had a pretty good day. Had a visit from Uncle Scott, discovered the wonders of a new transportation method and even got up close and personal with a certain cat.
Quite a bit to get through with today's post.
First we have a special inspection service making sure there are no suspect packages in the delivery...
Then there was the product test team discussing the workload.
a) Pip to inspect the pate. There appears to be something very nomable right there!
b) Singing elephant. Works correctly, Erik happy :)
c) Transportation - secrured... note the new fancy hats of both the sherpa and the expeditioner
One more thing, taking my responsibilities very seriously may mean that some items may suffer from wear and tear. This particular item was of such importance that it needed immediate attention - a fine layer of milk phlegm was entirely justified in this case.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Happy Solistice!

Well a few days after that particular event. The nights are now getting longer. It also means that I have less time during the day to wear a novelty suit and a fancy hat. So a picture will have to suffice.

Friday, December 17, 2010

I made It - 6 months!

Hello Everyone.
Just letting you know that I am now officially 0.5 years old. So we could round it up and be done. Just like the nice old man on the street thought he could do by calling me a 1 year old. It would seem that he did learn mathematics at school AND remembered how to round up!
But wait, there is more... I have discovered a new game to play - peek-a-boo. It is most amusing:

Way more amusing than broccoli (which I don't like) and cauliflower (which gives me wind). I can tell you that zucchini is a top notch vegetable for my tastes, but a decline in appetite can always be resurrected with a taste of mango with pear.... Mmmmm... tasty!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Happy Flappy

About midday, just after some food. Grisly and grumpy, then... toys to play with.
Mum eating food, dad cooking...
the Scene is set

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Life goes on. I have been very busy recently. It may not appear so to the untrained eye, but I assure you that every waking moment there is 'something' going on. Most of it, I am glad to report, is happy-times - until I get tired. Then it can be a pretty rapid change from grumpy, to happy and back again.
Here is a nice photo of me getting 'teh skillz'. Soon enough I wont need the cushion to do this amazing feat!

Monday, December 6, 2010

I like to Chew

Had a big adventure today... went for a trip to the library. Now I have been to the library before, books, people the walk, etc. This time it was different. instead of the usual walk there, walk back, browse some books there was a whole lotta strangeness happening. Not only was I not the only bouncing babe, there must have been 20 others of my stature there, plus a lots of singing and clapping and waving and my friend Zia all there together. I was so shocked and amazed by the whole thing. Glad that it didn't go for too long, there was way too much excitement for me. And at the end I got a library-showbag, with my very own book to eat. Which I did and it was delicious!
Unfortunately no photos from the last shake-rattle-and-rhyme for the year, but here are a couple of me eating some other tasty things... tasty for me at least.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

I can't help it!

For me, it's being cute. I just can't help it.

However, there is a slight problem. My new found enthusiasm for foods has caused a somewhat unlooked for consequence. We were at the shop the other day, looking for a comfy chair for me and the shop lady told me i was fat! Well not fat exactly, but she was implying that I was large for my age, which is the same thing really. Does my giant hand frighten you?One last thing... the title is also due to another event this week. Long awaited and anticipated... a certain game has a certain expansion and a certain person is going to play... again. No prizes if you can guess any of the correct answers. Finally... a special hello goes to the crew at New Universe! You know who you are.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Should be 6, but was more like 5.5

Had another trip to the MCH nurse today. Had a chat to the nurse. I think mum and dad also wanted to talk to her, but I had priority. My news is way more important than any kind of 'health' thing they were talking about. Before you get too excited, no new pics for a few more days... someone was doing that thing with the net again and we have to do things slowly... again...
I now weigh in at a hefty - 8.252 kg (a bit more than 18lbs)
I am longer - 65cm (a bit more than 2 foot)
And more rounded in the head - 42.5cm (17inches)

In the space of 6 weeks, I gained a record breaking 1.7kg - more than 1-oz a day.
Soon there will be some new an exciting foods to be eaten...

That's all for now.
More pics in a few days.